CSDA Screen Capture
(for Alpha Five & QReportBuilder)

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Preview Current version 1.07 - 18 April 2010

Fully operational for
CSDA Code Utility owners
till 30 April 2010

Newest Features
Select area of a selected A5 Window
Select area of Windows Desktop
Zoom in/Zoom Out for easier reading of Help and Info Text

Use the CSDA Screen Capture! 
Isn’t it time you stop wasting your time?

The CSDA Screen Capture is an AEX library add-in/add-on utility
 was designed to provide built-in, integrated screen captures of
Alpha Five windows to help document 
Alpha Five applications.

Advantages over other Screen Capture programs
  • Allows selecting each Alpha Five Window by name, or selecting an area to capture with the mouse, as well as predefined areas, as in, the entire screen, Alpha Five window, all Alpha Five windows (including dialog boxes outside the main window) and the Alpha Five desktop area.
  • Each capture (with a few exceptions), capture the exact image you want, so there is no additional editing required.
  • Modal Alpha Five windows can also be captured, exactly to their borders
  • Optionally, brings the window to the top & moves all other windows out of the way for the screen capture, restoring all windows back to their original position when done.

CSDA Screen Capture
Other Features include
  • Auto-Increment of the Save Filename
  • Can also save to the clipboard
  • Formats of JPG, PNG and BMP outputs are supported.
  • Preview mode to check the capture before a save
  • No Active X controls required to purchase or embedded in the cost.

It works with Alpha Five Version 6 and up
(But it is even better with Version 8, and best with Version 10)

First Try it
(all saved images will have a watermark on them
Then Buy it!

To run the program, download the Self-Installer or Zip versions and install
To use the full program, you must have one of the following;
Any other use will operate place a watermark on all screen captures

CSDA Screen Capture Self-Installer (self-installer exe - includes pdf documentation - installs to all Alpha Five version 6 and up)
CSDA Screen Capture Zip  (zip version - includes above documentation - requires unzipping and running Alpha Five to open installation database. See documentation for more details.
CSDA Screen Capture Documentation
Acrobat pdf documentation file
CSDA Screen Capture Demonstration
Flash demonstration video - Not Available yet

Alpha Software Value Added Reseller If you haven't yet upgraded to
Alpha Five Database Version 10,
now's the time to
download the free Alpha Five trial as well!
Alpha Five Version 10 box