CSDA Screen Capture
(for Alpha Five)

Use the CSDA Screen Capture! 
Isn’t it time you stop wasting your time?
Alpha Software VAR logo

>>Demonstration Video (flash, not yet available)<<

Ready to purchase?  Click Here to Order!

Request a 30 day trial license #
for the CSDA Screen Capture for Alpha Five 
To get your information needed for your 30 day trial license, start Alpha Five and select the menu Help, About Alpha Five...  Enter the machine name, version and Alpha 5 license (serial) number listed in the spaces below.

Your Name:  
Your Email Address (to send trial license to):  
Your Computer (Machine) Name on Network:  
Alpha Five version number:  
Last 4 digits of Alpha Five License (Serial) #:  xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
Other comments:

Ready to purchase?  Click Here to Order!

To run the program, download the Self-Installer or Zip versions and install
To use the full program, you must have one of the following
Any other use will operate place a watermark on all screen captures
CSDA Screen Capture Self-Installer (self-installer exe - includes pdf documentation - installs to all A5 version 6 and up)
CSDA Screen Capture Zip  (zip version - includes above documentation - requires unzipping and running A5 to open installation database. See documentation for more details.
CSDA Screen Capture Documentation
Acrobat pdf documentation file
CSDA Screen Capture Demonstration
Flash demonstration video - Not Available yet